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Blackmore Negatives
CollectionRon Blackmore CollectionDescription
The Ron Blackmore negatives collection comprises of three subsets of negatives:
Catalogued negatives -
Mostly quarter-plate negs, numbered (according to the card catalogue system) and entered in the card catalogue belonging with the Blackmore collection.
Uncatalogued negatives -
Mostly quarter-plate negs, un-numbered and uncatalogued; essentially ‘orphan’ images.
5" x 4” negatives -
Larger negatives – uncatalogued but mostly numbered, in 3 different, non-continuous numerical sequences.
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (23rd Oct 2019). Blackmore Negatives. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 5th Dec 2024 16:10, from